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Spooky2 Frequency Healing for Rhinitis

Rhinitis is an inflammation caused by the defense of foreign bodies in the nasal mucosa or affected by other diseases. Some drugs are usually used to reduce swelling and other inflammatory symptoms. However, the cause of rhinitis cannot be controlled from the source. Prevention of rhinitis is mainly to minimize the irritation to the nasal cavity, and to remove the irritants in the nasal cavity in time. To relieve or prevent rhinitis from developing, you must maintain good personal hygiene. Here are 6 methods to help you prevent from rhinitis.

1. Keep away from allergens – Pollen, mold, dust, industrial chemicals (tobacco smoke), food, insect venom, etc. are all allergenic, and these allergens can induce inflammation by repeatedly irritating the nasal cavity. You can go to the hospital for a test or use the exclusion method to determine the cause of your allergy. In the meantime, avoid exposure to allergens by using the following: Use a vacuum cleaner for house cleaning, as it needs to be thorough. Also, avoid fur products, velvet rugs, and other household items that tend to store bacteria. Use an air purifier in your home and open windows frequently to keep the air fresh and circulated and remove irritants from the air. People with food allergies can eat less eggs (eggs, duck eggs, etc.), fish and other foods that may cause foreign protein allergies.

2. Spray or rinse the nasal cavity with saline – Use a saline spray or a neti pot to clean up any irritants that have entered the nasal cavity and effectively relieve nasal congestion and runny nose. The physiological saline mentioned here can be medical sterilized physiological sodium chloride, non-prescription self-contained physiological saline, or physiological saline nasal spray. Mixing saline to near body temperature can reduce irritation to the nasal mucosa.​​​ The World Health Organization’s recommendation index for nasal washing has risen to the highest level of A in 2012, but some people think it is ineffective because of improper operation and failure to maintain this practice. Nasal rinsing requires the correct nasal rinsing method and saline ratio.

3. Keep the nasal mucosa moist – Moisture can effectively reduce the chance of infection and irritation. It also softens nasal secretions and unclogs blockages caused by secretions. Drinking plenty of water to keep your body hydrated, using a humidifier or sprinkling water on the floor, increasing the humidity in the house (especially in the bedroom at night) can help clear a stuffy nose, and a warm shower can also help relieve a stuffy nose.

4. Vitamins – Supplementing with appropriate amount of vitamins, especially vitamin C, can reduce the number of recurrences of rhinitis. Fresh, raw fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C, including oranges, grapefruit, lemons, oranges, berries, kiwi, pineapple, watermelon, and more. The most common bananas, apples and pears also contain vitamin C. Since vitamin C decreases over time and heating destroys nutrients, you must choose fresh, raw fruit. Leafy green vegetables such as cabbage, Swiss chard, cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and zucchini are also high in vitamin C. If you don’t want to eat raw vegetables, it’s best to steam or boil them so the vitamins stay.

5. Exercise regularly – Exercise can strengthen the body’s immune system, resist nasal mucosal infections caused by bacteria and viruses, and accelerate blood circulation after exercise, which can relieve symptoms such as nasal congestion. The intensity of exercise should be light to moderate; it is best to exercise regularly, such as daily. In addition, outdoor sports can be carried out in the warm season, while in winter, the cold outdoors will stimulate the nasal cavity, and there are more pollen outdoors in the morning and evening, so indoor activities are more suitable.

6. Try the Spooky2 Rhinitis Program – The Spooky2 Rhinitis program can help to balance your energy, keep your sleep quality free from rhinitis, and relieve headaches and pain associated with rhinitis. Clears any blockages in the energy field, making you less sensitive to allergens. If you have a Spooky2 Rife frequency generator, you can search for Rhinitis directly under the Presets tab of the Spooky2 software.

Alternatively, you can choose an empty shell healing preset, for example, if you are running on Remote, go to the Presets tab, select Shell (Empty) Presets–> Remote–> Healing (R)–JW. Then, go to the Programs tab, search for “Rhinitis” and double click to select the program you want to run. Then, go to the “Control” tab. Tick ​​Override to your selected generator port, and then start to run it.

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