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Spooky2 Healing Frequency to Control Temper

Do you feel frustrated when you are in a traffic jam? Does your blood pressure soar when things don’t go as you want? When you are angry, your heart rate and blood pressure will rise. In addition, your energy hormones, adrenaline and norepinephrine will increase rapidly. Anger actually allows us to fight and protect ourselves when attacked. Anger can be caused by external and internal events. You may be angry at certain people, events, or worry about your personal problems. Memories of trauma or angry events can also trigger anger. Anger is a normal or even healthy emotion. It’s okay to be angry occasionally. However, it’s important to face your anger in a positive way. An uncontrolled temper can interfere with your health and relationships.

The instinctive and natural way of expressing anger is a positive response. Anger is a natural and adaptive response to threats. There are three main ways to deal with anger, namely expression, depression and calm. Expressing your anger in a confident rather than aggressive way is the healthiest way to express anger. This does not mean being aggressive or demanding, but respecting yourself and others. Anger can be suppressed and transformed elsewhere. You can suppress anger, stop thinking, and focus on positive things. The goal is to suppress your anger and transform it into more controllable behavior. However, inward anger can lead to High blood pressure, high blood pressure, or depression. Unexpressed anger can cause other problems. It can lead to pathological expressions, constantly belittle others, criticize everything, and people who make cynical comments show that they don’t know how to express their anger correctly. When we are at the center of an argument, it is easy to say something aggressive that we will regret later. Before saying anything, take a moment to sort out your thoughts. Once you think it through, use a confident but calm way. Express your frustration and state your concerns and needs clearly and directly without harming others.

Determine possible solutions. Instead of focusing on what makes you angry, take some time to solve the problem and remind yourself that anger will not solve any problems, it will only make things worse. When you feel that you can no longer control your temper, try to do some deep breathing exercises, imagine a relaxing scene, or repeat a calm word or phrase, you can also listen to music, write a diary or do some yoga poses .

Use Spooky2 to calm down and control your temper

Frequency therapy is an alternative to traditional medical treatment. It does not have any side effects. If you plan to heal and restore your emotions in a natural way, frequency healing therapy will be a good choice for you. Here, we list some of the ways in which you can control your anger. And the Spooky2 program that received positive feedback in terms of keeping your heart calm, give it a try, it may be useful to you.

  • Bach flower frequencies
  • Emotional Code support
  • Emotional balance presets
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