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Spooky2 Sound Healing Frequency for Amblyopia

Amblyopia is a type of poor vision that only occurs in one of your eyes because the brain cannot recognize objects from it. As the weak eye gains poor vision, the brain gradually depends more on the other eye; amblyopia It is difficult to detect the symptoms of amblyopia, and people with amblyopia may have poor depth perception, which means that they have difficulty distinguishing near or far distances. The good news is that early treatment works well and usually prevents long-term vision problems.

The following frequency video will help relieve amblyopia, squint or closed eyes, poor depth perception and head tilt. We recommend listening at least 2-3 times a day and choosing a moderate volume to keep it at a comfortable level to prevent any hearing damage. Make sure you have enough lemonade or purified water to rinse off the toxins from your body.

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