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Youtube (Spooky2) Frequency Healing of Chalazion

Youtube (Spooky2) frequency treatment of chalazion Chalazion is a slow-growing lump or cyst that is formed due to blockage and swelling of the oil glands in the eyelids. It irritates the surrounding skin, making it red, swollen, and sometimes painful. Usually, there is no known underlying cause, however, rosacea, hormonal effects, and inflammation of the eyelids near the oil glands can cause chalazion. Most chalazions will go away on their own within a few days to a few weeks, but sometimes they will last for several months. Anti-inflammatory eye drops, ointments, or steroid injections may help. Large, swollen or persistent chalazions may require surgery.

The following Youtube frequency audio will help relieve conjunctival redness and painless swelling of the eyelids. We recommend listening at least 2-3 times a day to keep the volume at a comfortable level to prevent any hearing damage and make sure you have enough lemonade or purified water to flush out the toxins in your body.

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